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Discover, Understand, Empower

Where Relationships Grow

What We Do

Keynote Speaking

We speak to all different kinds of groups from different backgrounds and in different environments. Invite us to speak at your next team meeting, corporate gathering, marriage conference, church function etc. We use the DISC personality assessment tools to tailor our presentations to your audience and enable you to be better communicators.

Hands-on Workshops

We offer hands-on workshops to help you and your team improve communication, collaboration, and productivity. Our programs are designed to meet your specific needs and are based on the DISC personality assessment tools.


Looking to become a Certified Human Behavior Consultant? We can train you!

Customized Consulting

While we often work with groups, we also offer more individualized coaching for individuals, families, and even married (or soon-to-be married) couples. We use the DISC personality assessment tools to identify your strengths and provide tailored solutions to unlock new discoveries for yourself and those you are close with.


Unlock the power of DISC personality assessment tools to foster connections and promote meaningful interactions in your personal and professional relationships.

Who We Are

We are Certified Human Behavior Consultants with a passion for helping teams, groups, families, churches, and business discover their unique personalities so that they can effectively communicate, lead, and build relationships. We use the DISC personality assessment tool to help people understand their individual strengths and weaknesses, so that we can all work together better.  We believe that fostering connections and promoting meaningful interactions is crucial in both personal and professional relationships.


“Relationalities did customized consulting for me and it really helped me understand more about myself and my family. I can't wait to apply what I've learned to my relationships! I'd taken other personality tests, but when I took these DISC assessments and had David and Julie explain them to me, it all seemed to make more sense."


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