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About us

Relationalities is a business that specializes in enhancing relationships within churches, businesses, and other organizations. We enjoy delivering engaging presentations at conferences too! We believe that strong and healthy relationships are the foundation for success in any organization. We are Certified Human Behavior Consultants who utilize DISC to provide workshops and training sessions to enhance relationships within the organizations and families we work with. We are committed to bringing out the best in individuals, families, and teams!

Our Story

When David and Julie took their first DISC assessments, they began to discover just how much there was to learn about themselves - and others! Even after 30 years of marriage, the DISC has allowed them to learn new things about each other and improve their relationship. Because they both have a passion for teaching and have been doing so their entire careers, they realized they could begin to share these personality discoveries with others and help all kinds of people in all kinds of situations (from corporate to church to families) become better versions of themselves, better teammates, better spouses, better family members...there is truly so much to discover about ourselves and our God-given designs. When we do this we better understand ourselves and the world around us.

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Dr. David Smith

Dr. David Smith has over 20 years of experience in the field of relationship building, he has helped countless individuals and organizations achieve success through strengthening communication. He has deep resume of speaking to a diverse group of people all across the nation, as well as other countries. He and Julie are experts in the DISC personality profiles and are committed to helping you and your team unlock your full potential.

Julie Smith

Julie is a co-founder of Relationalities and is passionate about using DISC to help others grow and be better communicators. She especially loves to speak at marriage conferences and grandparenting conferences, church events. She, along with David, have decades of experience in consulting with engaged and married couples and are excited to help others become better versions of themselves.

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