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What is DISC?

DISC is a personality assessment that allows you to uncover strengths and potential blind-spots so that you can be a better version of yourself - and more patient with others as your understanding of others' personalities grow as well!


Direct, demanding, decisive, determined, doer


Influencing, impressionable, interactive, impressive, involved


Stable, steady, sweet,



Calculating, competent, conscientious, contemplative

Content used with permission. Copyright Personality Service.



Remember, you will not fit perfectly in any ONE box, because we are all of these things at different times and in different situations. Our assessments and workshops help you understand how you might be most of the time, and how your environment affects you. 

Ready to Take a DISC Assessment?

Before you get started, know there are quite a few different versions we offer to better cater to your current needs. If you're unsure which version is right for you, we have a guide to help you decide. Click the button below to review the versions. Once you've reviewed the differences and the benefits, you can get started with your assessment right away. 

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